Wednesday 17 March 2010

Minutes of March 2010 meeting

Association of Law Librarians in Central England
Wednesday 17th March 2010 at No 5 Chambers


Adele Champken, Caroline Mosley, Caroline Covington, Alison Parker, Helen Dunn, Jasmin Hollingum, Matthew Cadden, Phil Uttley, Stephen Wheeler, Tricia Wyspianska, David Houston and Aine Astbury

Simon Watson and Jo Davies from Justis Publishing


Sally Hassall, Hazel Hewison, Chris Newlove, Barry Vickery, Carol Wilson, Jackie Sellars, Chris Lambert, Erica Foster, Mike Troon, Jon Beaumont, Pat Pritchard, Aileen Johnston, Mandy Hulme, Sue Kendall and Diane Harris

Treasurer’s report

A copy of the report had been sent out prior to the meeting with notes. There were no matters arising

ALLICE Bursary for the BIALL conference

A bursary, to cover conference fees only, will be available to ALLICE members for this year’s conference in June in Brighton.

ALLICE Union List

The membership agreed to produce a new Union list for 2010. A volunteer is required to collect contributions and publish the list. Please let Phil Uttley know if you can help with this

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held at Hammonds on Wednesday 23rd June. It will be a networking meeting, discussing a range of issues including:

cost recovery, training, Lexis v Westlaw, free v fee resources, outsourcing in the library world, measuring library usage, hardcopy v on-line, library staff:attorney ratios and Web 2.0

If you would particularly like the meeting to focus on any of these topics, or have additional topics you would like to add, please let Phil Uttley know by the end of May


Aine Astbury informed the meeting that Hilary Boucher was retiring and leaving No 5 Chambers at the end of March. Diane Harris, from Martineau, will replace her.

Simon Watson and Jo Davies from Justis Publishing gave a presentation and demonstration of JustCite & Justis. A discussion followed which included the offer by Justis to discuss, with a possible "ALLICE consortium", group subscription to Justcite. If any ALLICE member is interested in exploring this opportunity further, please contact Caroline Mosley.

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